IUE-CWA Service Contract Alliance

Why Join?

The Service Contract Act (SCA) is a rapidly expanding part of the United States private sector workforce. There are over 800,000 skilled employees covered by the Service Contract Act who deserve good wages, benefits and working conditions and have the right to collectively bargain!

The McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act of 1965 (SCA) requires general contractors and subcontractors performing services on prime contracts in excess of $2,500 to pay service employees in various classes no less than the minimum wage rates and fringe benefits found prevailing in the locality as determined by Department of Labor, or the rates contained in a predecessor contractor’s collective bargaining agreement with the employee’s union.

Because many employers are so focused on profit and the bottom line, they overlook our welfare, satisfaction, and input. Too often workers covered by the “Service Contract Act” receive only the minimum wage allowed by the “Area Wage Determination” (AWD) of the Act which is set by the United States Department of Labor for each classification in an area. Workers and their families often struggle financially when those workers only receive the minimum wage rates provided by the AWD.

A collective bargaining agreement helps SCA workers get dignity and respect on the job, better wages, better benefits and working conditions. That’s one of the reasons why working men and women like us are choosing to organize with IUE-CWA every year. When you successfully organize and get IUE-CWA representation, you get a real voice in your workplace and future.

As a member of IUE-CWA, you get the legal right to bargain with your employer over pay, benefits, health care, employment security, retirement, and other conditions of employment. You get to negotiate over policies affecting promotions, job bidding, layoffs, and many other aspects of your job and workplace. In IUE-CWA, you will be part of one of America’s largest and most diverse unions.

One of the major benefits of organizing with IUE-CWA is the SCA allows for the wages, benefits and working conditions to be set by union-bargaining. This means that your union-bargained wages and benefits replace the AWD. And, the next time a new contractor takes control of your workplace it has to honor the union negotiated wages and benefits.

Click here today to find out how you can join the IUE-CWA and improve your wages, benefits and working conditions.